Nazi Ideology:
1. Nazis called their ideology National Socialism while today it is generally referred to as Nazism.
2. At its core, Nazism revolved around an
All powerful leader
A strong state
Intense nationalism
Focus on military power
Purity of race.
3. Nazism = repair German supremacy by;
Restoring the economy
Putting the unemployed to work
Reviving industrial production
Rearming the military
Ignoring foreign treaties.
Source: http://alphahistory.com/nazigermany/nazi-ideology/#sthash.SyDG387D.dpuf
Historian's review
From Conan Fischer's book - The rise of the Nazi
"Hitler’s personal contribution to the Nazi ideology can be seen as an extension of himself, so much so that it led to its description as Hitlerism"
From historian, Spielvogel's book - Hitler and Nazi Germany.
"Nazism was used to rouse the people into a nationalistic fervour as part of the idea of National Socialism. The Nazi state was, by every notion, an absolute rule centred on the personal power of Adolf Hitler"
Hitlerism & Nazism
Hitler's promise:
Strong government
Revive Germany's power
Overturn Treaty of Versailles and take back former territories
Expand into Russia and Poland to create Lebensraum for Germany
Expand territory to make Germany great, the idea of the Aryan race supremacy.
Capitalist economic policy to push the economy forward
Idea of equality, state control economy and creation of jobs
Promise to solve Germany's unemployment and farming crisis
Vague policy statements to change any policy to their own advantage
Mein Kampf (My struggle)
Adolf Hitler, within the space of twelve months from 1923 to 1924, led an attempted revolt, the Beer Hall Putsch, which failed, and was sent to Landsberg Prison where he wrote “Mein Kampf”.
In prison, Hitler decided that any future ventures by the Nazis would have to be legal. Any action outside of the law would not be tolerated. Hitler put his energy into his book “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle). This book explained to anybody who would read it, his plans for Germany’s future. Many years later, in 1942, Hitler explained to army officers that “Mein Kampf” would never have been written if he had not been sent to prison.
Extracts from Mein Kampf -
“Only an adequate large space on this earth assures a nation freedom of existence.” A reference to Hitler’s policy of living space (Lebensraum)
“We must eliminate the disproportion between our population and our area…… Some of this land can be obtained from Russia….. We must secure for the German people the land and soil to which they are entitled.”
"All the human culture, all the results of art, science, and technology that we see before us today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan..."