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As observed by multiple historians, Hitler possessed the ability to capture the attention of the masses during his many legendary public speeches.

Charisma & Oratorical Skills

Hitler the Orator.

  • Hitler was able to charm the people with his amazing public speaking skills.

  • His skills as an orator garnered him immense support from the people.

  • Hitler's charisma was due to his amazing ability to sway the hearts and minds of the people listening to his speeches.


Source: ACH Essay

"Hitler appealed to their emotions by using a multitude of techniques such as being carried away with his speech that he seemed on the verge of losing control, varying the effect by dropping his voice to make them listen to him rapturously, using humour and sarcasm to denounce criminals or giving a very positive show of support that Germany could rise better than before.
Source: Bullock, A. (1997). Fanaticism and Calculation. In A. Mitchell, The Nazi Revolution (pp. 75-82). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
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