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Fear of Communism

Nazism vs Communism

We shall make all men equal! The state shall control all the farmland and businesses! Everyone will receive equal shares!

NEIN! (No!) I offer you ownership of your own farms and better business opportunities if you follow me! 

20th century German population

Working class citizens - factory workers
Middle class - Farmers, business owners, office workers.

Due to the large middle class population, Germans would not benefit from the communist state controlled system as they would lose their farmlands and businesses instead of gaining anything. Hitler knew this and used it to manipulate the people with tales of lost wealth and poverty. He used the fear of communism to win people over to his side.


Furthermore, during the 1930s  was a time of great turmoil and the Communists fought the police in the streets of Germany. Hitler used his personal forces to enforce peace. Thus, the people believed that the Nazis were needed in order to bring peace and order to Germany.

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